- Designed by Veronica Rowe, TIC teacher, for the NYC and NYC Watersheds Trout in the Classroom program.
- Made possible with funds from the Catskill Watershed Corporation in partnership with New York City Department of Environmental Protection.
Objective: #
Students will learn trout anatomy and biology
Background: #
Students will learn more about trout anatomy, which connects to their awareness of trout habitat (i.e., for the central Catskills, the local streams which flow into the Ashokan Reservoir).
Materials: #
- Brown paper grocery bags
- Newspaper
- Paint
- Large trout stencil
- Stapler & staples
- Pictures of brown and/or brook trout. (Note: brook trout is the only native species of trout in the eastern US)
Procedure: #
1. Students observe trout in the tank and look at pictures of adult brown trout. Discuss markings and fins, point out lateral line and occellus.
2. Children trace and cut out two trout shapes.
3. They paint the shapes using the real trout and the pictures as models. (Be sure they are painting the correct sides of the cutout.)
4. Staple trout partially closed, stuff with newspaper, then staple the rest.
Wrap-Up: #
Students show their trout and point out the different body parts.
Another possibility is to have the children point out the different body parts and explain their purpose to younger students.